Welcome to h4ppier photos

To start, click to login to flickr and access h4ppier photos

h4ppierphotos is created using phpFlickr - thanks, Dan!

designed by Christian S - click to view Christian's life and travels blog at h4ppy.com or to view the h4ppy flickr galleries. Release notes and thankyous (for useful suggestions) are at the bottom of the page. If you like what you've found, please take a moment to Digg h4ppierphotos. digg it

Release notes:
29th January 2007 - v0.22
  1. I had left the piece of code that time-shifted Upload Dates commented out after fixing an earlier bug. The result - when you tried to change the upload dates nothing happened. This is now fixed, tested and working! (Thanks to Todd for spotting this one!)

18th January 2007 - update
First update for a while, quite a few new things...

  1. Improved filtering, means that you can now filter by Privacy Setting or Licence Type (in advanced view) when searching for photos not in sets or photos without tags.
  2. Implemented the updated Flickr API that makes privacy filtering MUCH faster.
  3. In basic view: You can batch rotate your flickr photos. (Thanks to Club510 for the idea)
  4. The logo at the top of the page links clears your options and lets you start again (Thanks to Ben Bawden for the idea)
  5. The status indicator updates more accurately when processing large batches of photos (Thanks to Ben for this one too)

01st January 2007
H4ppy New Year everyone :)

2nd October 2006 - v0.20
First feedback on the EXIF features has asked to make the 'resolution' part of the data tagging optional. So now it is :)

  1. In advanced view: You can choose to include or exclude the Exif resolution data when batch tagging your photos with their EXIF data.

18th September 2006 - BIG update!
Lots of people have requested a way to do batch EXIF tagging of their photos. Now you can :) This was a big update so be careful with the Exif functions - and let me know if it all works ok for you, or if you find any problems.

  1. In the display preferences you can now view the title and description of the photos
  2. In advanced view: You can add an EXIF string to your photo descriptions. The text looks like this:
    (EXIF data: FUJIFILM FinePix6900ZOOM 0.006sec f2.8 ISO100 21.8mm 0EV 72/72(2), auto-added by hpexif)
    (The content is Make Model Exposure Aperture ISO FocalLength ExposureBias Resolution)
  3. In advanced view: You can add EXIF tags to your photos.
  4. In the display preferences you can now preview the Exif description and Exif tags that h4ppier photos will add to your photos.

17th August 2006 - v0.18
Some people on the forums were asking to be able to batch remove tags, so now you can.

  1. In basic view: You can remove tags from batches of photos.
  2. In advanced view: You can choose to sort 'search all' results by ascending or descending 'date taken'.

16th August 2006 - update
The temporary glitch in the API regarding dates and the 'not in sets' search has now gone away.

15th August 2006 - v0.17
Ask and you shall receive - you can now batch change upload dates.

  1. In advanced view: You can timeshift the 'date uploaded' for batches of photos.
  2. In advanced view: You can change the 'date uploaded' to match the 'date taken'. Use this to make your flickr photostream match the actual order in which your photos were taken!
  3. There seems to be a glitch in the flickr API at the moment so searching for photos 'not in sets' doesn't play well with setting date ranges. I'll check this over the next few days/weeks and post an update if this is fixed. This is a 'read only' glitch so will not affect any of your photos - you might just get blank searches where you expected to see something show up.

8th May 2006 - v0.16
Well, I was browsing the flickr ideas forum and found that some people wanted to be able to batch update their photos' taken dates... ...so now you can.

  1. In advanced view: You can timeshift the 'date taken' for batches of photos.

27th April 2006 - v0.15
In response to the latent need expressed on the flickr fora, privacy options are now viewable and set-able via h4ppier photos.

  1. Choice of two views - 'slightly h4ppy' (basic, for beginners) and 'very h4ppy' (advanced, with privacy and licensing options).
  2. Can view privacy options for photos returned by the search (toggle box is at the bottom, with the others).
  3. In advanced view: Can now set permissions related to who can add comments and tags to photos.
  4. In advanced view: Added option to change privacy settings for all photos found (thanks to wchoy1 for the request).

25th April 2006 - v0.14
Back from holiday (read all about it at h4ppy.com/blog). More than 500 people visited this page (the h4ppier photos gateway page) whilst I was away - I hope you all found it useful! I'm amazed how popular this has been, but glad to be of help. Keep the suggestions and requests coming, and I'll see what I can do.

  1. Link back to h4ppier photos from any error message page, eg. 'photo already in set' (thanks to jbenson2 for the request).
  2. Added option to search by privacy settings (thanks to twisesq for the request).

19 March 2006 - v0.13
Two small fixes before I go on holiday - back at the end of April! Thanks to Dave Myers for pointing them out.

  1. Fixed checkbox glitch in some browsers.
  2. Tags now always add to existing tags, used to overwrite in some cases.

15 March 2006 - v0.12
Fixes and tweaks - thanks to Tom for the feedback

  1. Fixed html to be W3C compliant.
  2. Fixed CSS comments to use /* */ instead of //.
  3. Moved style sheets to external file.
  4. Moved release notes and extraneous text to (this) separate page.
  5. Moved the program itself to h4ppier-photos-widget.php.
  6. Added optional popup calendar controls for date choosing - thanks to The DHTML/JavaScript Calendar.
  7. You can now click anywhere in the blue outlined photo box (except the photo itself - that's a link!) to toggle selection of that photo.

09 March 2006 - v0.11
Some more tweaks and fixes:

  1. Fixed small glitch re default license type selection.
  2. Updated 'not in sets' to use the proper flickr date filters - used to give wrong results if you had large numbers of unsetted pics.
  3. Added 'search for untagged photos'. Note - this returns the latest photos first, as opposed to the 'not in sets' search which seems to return the earliest ones first. If flickr allow pre-sorting in the future, I'll update this accordingly.
  4. You can now TAG the photos you find as well as putting them into sets. (But can't do both at the same time - will fix this soon)
  5. Tried, and failed, to add licensing action. Got 'flickr API could not find that photo ID' errors - ideas anyone?

11 March 2006 - v0.10
More features:

  1. Added feedback links.
  2. Based on positive feedback, moved to 'Beta' instead of 'Alpha'.
  3. You can now display the sets that the photos are in.
  4. You can now display the tags that the photo have.
  5. You can batch apply a license to the photos you found.
  6. If a photo is already in a set, h4ppier photos won't try to add it to the same set again (used to get an error).

09 March 2006 - v0.04
Some more tweaks and fixes:

  1. Fixed small glitch re default license type selection.
  2. Updated 'not in sets' to use the proper flickr date filters - used to give wrong results if you had large numbers of unsetted pics.
  3. Added 'search for untagged photos'. Note - this returns the latest photos first, as opposed to the 'not in sets' search which seems to return the earliest ones first. If flickr allow pre-sorting in the future, I'll update this accordingly.
  4. You can now TAG the photos you find as well as putting them into sets. (But can't do both at the same time - will fix this soon)
  5. Tried, and failed, to add licensing action. Got 'flickr API could not find that photo ID' errors - ideas anyone?

08 March 2006 - v0.03
Lots of updates:

  1. Fixed problem with added slashes in some new set names.
  2. Search by upload date.
  3. Search by license type.
  4. Search by tags - unfortunately, does not work if you search for 'photos not in sets'. This is a limitation of the flickr API as far as I can see, so no easy way around it.
  5. Added some CSS to make things look a little nicer!
I hope to add more actions soon (ie. 'tag all photos found', 'apply license x to all photos found', etc)

06 March 2006 - v0.02
First updates

  1. Buttons to toggle all boxes on or off, both 'for loaded photos' and a default preference setting (Thanks to jbenson2 for both suggestions).
  2. Fixed authentication glitch - should now (correctly) ask all users for 'write' permission instead of just 'read' (Thanks to Kevin for spotting this).
  3. Found and fixed small bug - was showing n+1 photos instead of n
  4. Display preferences implemented
  5. Results shown in tabulated form

05 March 2006 - v0.01
Just finished first attempt at coding php based flickr app... and miraculously it seems to work. It's rough around the edges, but if you come across it, try it out and let me know what you think. It has already saved me several handfuls of hair - the patches I pulled out after fighting the organizr still haven't grown back... I'll also make it look prettier some time soon!
Known issues include:

  1. Caching of what is and isn't in a set. If you just put something into a set, wait 15 seconds then try querying again. I might try turning the caching off altogether and see what happens.
  2. Display preferences not done yet - they're there atm to remind me to do them later!
  3. Number of results 'feature' - the number of results is the size of the query pulled from flickr. When you do a 'not in sets' query this returns max_num results, and then I remove the results that were not in the selected range. As a result you might get less results on-screen than you expected. (It's hard to explain, but it's not a life threatening problem.)

Disclaimer - this is my first release of my first ever flickr API application. Use it at your own risk, I cannot take any responsibility for any munging, mangling or destroying of your flickr collections that might result from using this site. If it's any consolation, though, this app should not have 'delete' access to your account so it won't delete any photos!