Welcome to h4ppier photos

To start, click to login to flickr and access h4ppier photos

h4ppierphotos is created using phpFlickr - thanks, Dan!

designed by Christian S - click to view Christian's life and travels blog at h4ppy.com or to view the h4ppy flickr galleries. Release notes and thankyous (for useful suggestions) are at the bottom of the page. If you like what you've found, please take a moment to Digg h4ppierphotos. digg it

Release notes:
29th January 2007 - v0.22
  1. I had left the piece of code that time-shifted Upload Dates commented out after fixing an earlier bug. The result - when you tried to change the upload dates nothing happened. This is now fixed, tested and working! (Thanks to Todd for spotting this one!)

18th January 2007 - v0.21
First update for a while, quite a few new things...

  1. Improved filtering, means that you can now filter by Privacy Setting or Licence Type (in advanced view) when searching for photos not in sets or photos without tags.
  2. Implemented the updated Flickr API that makes privacy filtering MUCH faster.
  3. In basic view: You can batch rotate your flickr photos. (Thanks to Club510 for the idea)
  4. The logo at the top of the page links clears your options and lets you start again (Thanks to Ben Bawden for the idea)
  5. The status indicator updates more accurately when processing large batches of photos (Thanks to Ben for this one too)

01st January 2007
H4ppy New Year everyone :)

2nd October 2006 - v0.20
First feedback on the EXIF features has asked to make the 'resolution' part of the data tagging optional. So now it is :)

  1. In advanced view: You can choose to include or exclude the Exif resolution data when batch tagging your photos with their EXIF data.

18th September 2006 - BIG update!
Lots of people have requested a way to do batch EXIF tagging of their photos. Now you can :) This was a big update so be careful with the Exif functions - and let me know if it all works ok for you, or if you find any problems.

  1. In the display preferences you can now view the title and description of the photos
  2. In advanced view: You can add an EXIF string to your photo descriptions. The text looks like this:
    (EXIF data: FUJIFILM FinePix6900ZOOM 0.006sec f2.8 ISO100 21.8mm 0EV 72/72(2), auto-added by hpexif)
    (The content is Make Model Exposure Aperture ISO FocalLength ExposureBias Resolution)
  3. In advanced view: You can add EXIF tags to your photos.
  4. In the display preferences you can now preview the Exif description and Exif tags that h4ppier photos will add to your photos.

17th August 2006 - v0.18
Some people on the forums were asking to be able to batch remove tags, so now you can.

  1. In basic view: You can remove tags from batches of photos.
  2. In advanced view: You can choose to sort 'search all' results by ascending or descending 'date taken'.

If you like, you can view the older h4ppier photos release notes too.

Disclaimer - this is my first ever flickr API application. Use it at your own risk, I cannot take any responsibility for any munging, mangling or destroying of your flickr collections that might result from using this site. If it's any consolation, though, this app should not have 'delete' access to your account so it won't delete any photos!